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This moment in time

Although I have academically understood the concept of no past, no future, we only have this moment in time, I read something recently which made me truly understand what is meant by this. Simply, we have an eternal now. Once we grasp the idea of the ‘eternal now’ past and future falls away. Thank you Eckhart Tolle

Shirley Vauvelle . Quirky Sculptures

Love the fun in these items. Just the thing to brighten the darkest of moods

Shirley works in Scarborough and uses white earthenware and under-glazes to make components

and  small sculptures concentrating on layering colour and texture.

These are then assembled together with driftwood, wire, reclaimed maps, vintage magazines and other

interesting finds from local beaches.

One-off contemporary pieces are made which are either hung or freestanding sculptures.

Her inspiration comes from her garden, her love of the coast and the fun of creating objects that are

very individual and quirky, with a tale to tell.

Lovely work, I’d like to hear more about the stories behind the pieces.

Credits to, amongst others,  The Arts Market for their photos.

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ABUNDANCE – Think about it

It really is time we stopped all the nonsense being spouted about abundance. Most of us in the western world have abundance right now. We have clean air, food, clean water, warm clothing when needed, good shoes, a roof over over our heads and access to healthcare not to mention a plethora of electronic devices that were not even dreamt of 10 years ago. So why do I keep meeting people who tell me they are ‘working on getting abundance’ or ‘learning to use the Law of Attraction’? We are not talking about attracting abundance, we are talking about having more, bigger and better. Having more than we need, bigger than anyone else, better than anyone else. Which is fine. But pleeeease can we start being honest. Gratitude is an amazing thing and often bring us more because, gratitude is one of the secrets of attracting more.

Looking Forward to next month

Next month two colleagues and I are facilitating a workshop. We have come together under the name of Noesis to offer a series of workshops.  It is such a joy to work with other professionals who have the same enthusiasm and dedication to working with people to help them live without stress, anxiety and pain. The icing on the cake is we get to run our workshop amid beautiful Worcestershire countryside! I have decided that I want to spend as much of my life as possible surrounded by nature and that includes when I am working!

Time out is okay

I have been beating myself up for the past couple of days because I have not blogged for ages. But, this morning with a bit of reflection I realised it does not matter. I have been busy supporting my parents through a traumatic time, having fun with my beautiful new grandchild and other visitors, playing green bowls, working with two colleagues putting a workshop on EFT together for next month, writing a couple of chapters on infection control for a text book aimed at care staff undertaking a level two qualification and I have been enjoying the Summer. In other words living! It is too easy to be rail-roaded into what we think we should be doing and in the meantime we can miss out on life. It is okay to wander off from the path others expect us to be on so long as we are mindful of the experiences offered to us and recognise them for what they are – our passing ‘here and now reality’. Nothing lasts for ever, the bowling season is over, visitors have gone, time to check on my current reality.

The World’s Top 10 Most Amazing Refrigerators

a clairvoyant journey

After starting my clairvoyant/meditation class, I decided to try and write down the guided steps to grounding that I was being lead through. I often struggle with structure…and struggle without it. I have learned that what I need is an outline for my life. Not something that I HAVE to follow but a guide… Or outline to give me some sort of direction. So… What I am saying here is… Take this… And manipulate it to make it work for you.

We are all different, we all will not need to follow this to the tee. The purpose is to give you the foundation, it is your job to build it into to something magnificent just for you. I hope you find it helpful.


1. First sit in an upright position and place your hand in your lap and your feet on the floor.
2. Close your eyes, take…

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EFT and Alcohol Dependency

dandilion clocks

Emotional Freedom Technique is a simple, non evasive technique which you can do alone or with a therapist to banish your desire for alcohol for ever . I would suggest you do work with a qualified therapist at least initially.

How Can Emotional Freedom Technique Help?

With EFT you can wipe out your desire for needing a drink. You can change how you think and feel about alcohol and anything related to drink, such as buying, friends you drink with, TV adverts, going to the pub.

Fear of Loneliness

If you drink with other people, tapping on your dread of not drinking any more and loosing  friends you drink with is a great place to start.

Want to Drink?

With Emotional Freedom Technique you can wipe out all of your triggers that kick start your drinking habit, each and every day.

Your Addiction to Alcohol – It Is Not What You Think It Is!

With EFT you can cast out your addition to boozing altogether. EFT will allow you to also find and dissolve the real reason why you drink. Very often you started drinking for a reason that you may have now forgotten, but the reason still controls  you.

Boozing Is Not Your Identity

Calling yourself an alcoholic, keeps you an alcoholic. Begin tapping on your identity and you will quickly become known as the person who use to drink. You can become the person you want to be.

Sabotage Your Wanting of Alcohol

With EFT you can end your wanting to have a drink every day.  Now is the time to use the same thoughts and feelings that keep you drinking to keeping you not drinking.

Affirmations For Your Future

Statements on their own do not work.  With EFT you can kill off the little voice in side of you, that stops statements working for you. Once you do that. Your statements take on a power of their own.

There are many EFT therapists like myself who have experience of working in this field,  you are sure to find one in your local area.

Basic Intro to EFT

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a gentle and non-intrusive, a simple technique which your practitioner can teach you to use yourself whenever you need to.

EFT is sometimes called acupuncture without the needles. It involves tapping on meridian points with the fingertips. Issues including health problems are often greatly reduced or disappear completely after only one or two sessions of EFT.

Using EFT involves acknowledging the issue and then tapping with your fingers on specific acupressure points with your fingers. For example if you still carry a feeling of very deep disappointment following an event you are asked to think of that event and  notice how you feel, in other words you are ‘tuning into‘ the issue. But you do not have to relive the event that caused the deep disappointment. You just have to be aware that the negative feeling is there. Having therefore ‘tuned in’ to it, you are shown which acupressure points to tap, and using your own words you voice the issue. Verbalising also helps to remove the charge ‘emotion’ from the system.

You are then asked to think about the person or situation again and check how you feel. You will notice a reduction in the intensity of the feeling. If it’s not completely gone then the EFT practitioner repeats the process, bringing the intensity down each time until full balance is restored. All this is done with you fully conscious whilst sitting normally in a chair.

The father of EFT Gary Craig has a free tutorial at

EFT often works when nothing else will

Another 5 Causes of Exam Anxiety

exam anxiety

One of the reasons I like showing EFT to students who have exam anxiety is I know they are learning a technique that will see them through many situations in the future. Rarely are we afraid of exams, the fears are concerns regarding the outcome of the exam.

  1. The learner may historically have experienced obtaining poor grades in an exam which has instilled a fear of ‘failure’.
  2. Fear of their mind going blank during the exam and not being able to remember what they have learnt.
  3. The fear of  being asked questions they have not prepared for.
  4. Fear of not obtaining the level of result required for their next step such as entrance into their career of choice
  5. Fear of success leading to university education which will lead to student debt/leaving home/leaving friends and family

This site is the cat’s pajamas

A Splash of the unusual through textiles, photography and illustration.


This site is the cat’s pajamas

valeriu dg barbu

©valeriu barbu

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